Total Recall (I) (2012)
Total recall - The futility of being in the future.
24 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Welcome to the future questionnaire,

1: What do you do when your trapped inside a room with your girlfriend and death is knocking on the door? a)You look for an exit, a window perhaps. b)Barricade the door, fight back, call for help, pray. c)Make out with your girlfriend.

2: What do you do if you have weird dreams involving unknown people? a)Consult a psychiatrist b)Dismiss them for what they are, dreams c)Seek out mind altering drugs.

3: Law enforcement needs to catch a man alive, What should they use? a) A net b) Tranquiliser. c) Futuristic Christmass lights.

4: You are a secret agent and your cover is blown, where should you go? a) Hide somewhere. b) Disguise yourself. c) Go to your apartment.

5: In the future what phone would you prefer? a) A really sleek futuristic mobile. b) An old fashioned mobile. c) An painfully invasive hand implant larger than the old fashioned mobile.

6: What mode of transport would be plausible in a postapocalyptic world? a) Superior air/ water craft b) Superior rail link c) Lift system through the center of the earth.

7: You are enroute to highly secure enemy territory. What do you do? a) Secretly smuggle yourself in. b) Invest in some good disguise. c) Make a grand entry at the immigration.

8: How do you design smart robots for law enforcement ? a) Rely on the fact that electronics can do calculations faster b) Equip it with radar, wireless communication, advanced neural programming and integrated weapons systems. c) Put some cameras on the robot so that it can find its guns and then design an appendage so that it can use them.

9: Okay so the movie is just rubbish, what do you do? a) Apologise for wasting viewers time. b) Tell yourself the truth. c) Blame it all on the main characters dreams.

If you answered c to most, then you are certified to watch this movie.
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