Boardwalk Empire: Ging Gang Goolie (2012)
Season 3, Episode 6
A great series seemingly in decline
23 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another episode which was frankly dull, I'm all for building up the tension and getting all the story beats in place but we're almost two thirds of the way through the season now and I'm starting to despair. I was never much of a fan of Michael Pitt and thought that Buscemi could easily carry the story without him but it seems the series has really gone downhill since he was killed off. A slow paced meandering episode, some more murky political intrigue on Nuckys' part,(the attorney general is getting ready to shaft him) a baffling subplot involving a mysterious fire and Margarets son beginning to exhibit signs of mental illness, Richard meets a girl he likes, Gillian Darmody goes out cruising for a guy who looks just like Jimmy and takes him home for a shag. (Okay, we saw the incest episode, we were shocked, we get it, incest is creepy) Oh, and Owen shags Margaret again. Other than a boxing match there was little to no action. No Rothstein, no Capone, No Rosetti, No Chalky.

I'm actually boring myself typing this out, something is missing, it was flat, uninvolving, the performances were unremarkable and I'm finding it more and more difficult to care about these characters.
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