Deserves all the praise!
14 October 2012
There are not that many movies that really have the viewer smiling all through till the end. This smile on my face was more so due to the situations the main character overcomes throughout the film. I had an instant connection with this movie because my mother came to the U.S. with weak English and so did many of my friends' mothers.

If you look at English Vinglish on a bigger scale, it's nothing more than an underdog story. This time, however, the protagonist doesn't try to win a fight with a certain character with a language and even deeply, she has to win against herself.

To state that English Vinglish is pleasing, is a giant understatement. English Vinglish is more than pleasing, it's a journey to overcome your weakness; even if it's just by learning a different language.

Shashi is a housewife who's world revolves around her husband and children. She runs a small business working at home. Unlike the rest of her family, she is not even close to fluent in the English language. When she has to fly to America to attend her niece's wedding, this "weakness" of hers is further exploited...One fine day, Shahsi has enough and joins classes to learn English in 4 weeks. Of course we know what happens in the end, but what happens between the beginning and the end is a treat all the way.

Yes, the film is formulaic and at times, predictable. That is the only criticism I really see in other reviews. What is wrong with narrating a story in a predictable way? What matters is if the story is told with conviction and if it provides entertainment - Which it surely does.

There are many scenes in the movie that do the trick. The scene at the café is striking. All of the scenes in the class are sheer entertainment. Not to forget the scenes Shashi and her french admirer. Unique, yet poetic! Another plus is character development. There is no character that is underdeveloped or even overdeveloped. The writing is nearly flawless.

The music is different. The good kind of different.

Gauri Shinde's direction is adequate. She is a director to look out for.

The performances are all pretty natural. Adil Hussain is first rate. Mehdi Nabou is convincing and charismatic. The actor who plays the south Indian is terrific. Ditto for the Pakistani cab driver - brilliant. The whole cast is perfect. A sweet cameo is done by Amitabh Bachchan and he's, well, charming as always.

Nothing, however, is more perfect than the casting of Sridevi. It's impossible to imagine another actress do this role with such ease, such conviction. The vulnerability and then turning into strength - Just marvelous. Applaudworthy! Overall, English Vinglish has a lot of heart. It will keep you smiling and some may even shed a tear or two.
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