Review of The Siege

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Siege (1993)
Season 2, Episode 3
Strong conclusion to very good trilogy.
11 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A Federation Admiral informs Sisko that they cannot interfere with internal Bajor matters and that DS9 must be evacuated. The evacuation begins with, however, a few volunteering to stay behind in order to give Kira and Dax enough time to inform the Bajor Assembly that it is the Cardassians who are supplying the Circle with weapons - with the express purpose of getting the Federation to leave and thus leaving Bajor defenseless. There are many good scenes in this episode, one of the best is how quickly Vedek Winn drops Jaro when she sees which way the wind is blowing regarding his future. We're sure to see more of her - she is so smooth and nasty. There's even a small bit of humor when Rom astonishingly outwits Quark much to the audience's amusement and Quark's annoyance. The special effects are good as are the action scenes. The conclusion including Li Nalas' fate is logical and was really the only way it could end. It was nice seeing Steve Weber as Bajoran Colonel Day; Wings is one of my favorite comedy shows. One thing I can't figure out is why Frank Langella as Jaro wasn't credited.
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