Review of Alien Blood

Alien Blood (1999)
"Still plenty of time to get p*ssed"
25 September 2012
This is a weird, weird film. It's the last day of the millennium, and MIBs are chasing two women and two kids through the Lake District, only these folk are really aliens and MIBs have to catch them before the dawn of the new millennium, I think. After a few gunfights they end up at the house of James Dracula and some other vampires, who are having a millennium party. Oh, and there's a psychic and one of the aliens is pregnant.

At first, this ultra-low budget film plays out like a crappy Matrix style alien chase film with very arty pretensions (loads of standing around looking wistful) and some pretty awful martial arts and bad acting. Once we get to the vampire's house, the film decides to turn into some sort of sex comedy for a while, with Dracula creeping about the house having his advances rebuffed by various female vampires. Not a lick of this makes any sense but once the alien turns up and kills Dracula, the rest of the vampires gang together to take on the MIBs, who attack the house en masse (save for one vampire, who turns out to be the brother of the leader of the MIBs). If there was an explanation for any of this, I may have missed it between dozing during the arty, slow motion poignant shots of people staring at each other for minutes at a time while candles flickered in the foreground.

You've got bagpipe players, jugglers, lustful farmers, French speaking aliens, Dracula, references to a 'fuel curfew', really, truly dire CGI (nearly forgot to mention that !) and the result is a truly head scratching film that raises so many questions that you're neighbours will think you've gone crazy while you're screaming "Why?" at the television over and over again.

Is it enjoyable though? For those looking for the weird and obscure, it's worth a shot. For sci-fi fans I wouldn't touch this with a bargepole. I kind of enjoyed it for it's weirdness factor, but I couldn't make head nor tail of the quirky premises the film was throwing at me. It did have plenty of nudity and gore in it if that's your thing. Be warned though: This is by no means a good film. Watch out during the house attack sequence for how many times they recycle footage of the MIBs running around. They use one shot about ten times!
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