Totally Garbage
22 September 2012
Two words for it: TOTALLY GARBAGE! Hollywood has butchered this awesome game-series to the level of beyond recognition, unlike the butchering of its previous movie-series. There are two types of people who would critic this film: the die-hard fan of Resident Evil franchise and the ordinary film-goers.

I've seen this in 3D, and as a RE purist gamer, these four criteria are on my checklist: 1) Stick to the game's storyline; 2) Brilliant plot if criterion #1 is too difficult to visualize; 3) Awesome 3D effects and 4) Well-coordinated cast. Like being sucked by the virus of Las Plagas, Hollywood had sucked completely the first three criteria! Even criterion #4 is somewhat only mediocre to be mentioned of. If you're in the second group, you'd be also feeling disappointed. Guaranteed. At least the previous four movies though lack of criterion #1, they still have decent criterion #2.

The original storyline developed by Capcom are far far different and brilliant enough! I tried a little bit of the first PC-based RE game, watched my bro played RE Nemesis, and played myself PS2-based RE Code Veronica, RE 4, and X-box 360 RE5. Each of them has bloody brilliant storyline. I could never understand why Hollywood would deviate from them and introducing non-original character of Alice. We don't need Mila Jovovich. We need Chris, Jill, Claire, Leon, Ada, Steve and Sheva.

We've seen for the first time the adaptation of Ada Wong and Leon S Kennedy. Costume-appearance-wise, Ada is quite okay and she sticks to the agility of her character, though her voice is somewhat funny like a Chinese whom recently learned English. Leon, as my most favorite character in RE, was quite disappointing because in the film he's not much of a fighter and… he should be clean-shaved too. He's not Thor for God's sake!

The series have been transformed into typical Hollywood shoot shoot bang bang fantasy wrapped in so-called good CGI and without purity of original horror element. I feel like I'm watching Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter where there are endless mindless fighting scenes. And what's this tag-line about going global-sh*t?! You'll be deceived because the only truth of that comes at the very end of this pitiful short film, where you just starting to feel the hope and rejoice but then, "The End". 6.5? Really? Just save your money from watching this junk.

Verdict: Worse than filthy zombies. Get it?
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