Doll Face (1945)
Why did 20th Century-Fox Bother?
20 September 2012
This film wastes the talents of Vivian Blaine and Carmen Miranda. Evidently produced right after the end of World War II, Fox didn't care to spend the money on Technicolor, and "cherry blonde" Blaine and flamboyant Miranda should have never been photographed in black and white.

The score is ho-hum. The composers did a much better job on the previous film "Nob Hill" also produced in 1945 in Technicolor and also starring Blaine, with two superb ballads, even though the songs are nearly forgotten today.

Miranda is given only one performance, with the typical tropical theme, a boring song, again losing a lot without Technicolor.

So why did Fox bother? I suppose when you have people under contract, one has to use them somehow in something. Perhaps if the burlesque subject matter had been played up and more burlesque comedy used this film might have ended up a better product.
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