Review of Waltz

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Waltz (1998)
Season 6, Episode 11
A Duet for The Sisko
26 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In S1E19, Major Kira captures who she thinks is "The Butcher or Gallitepp." In that episode of which this one is a bookend of sorts, She confronts who she thinks is a Cardassian War Criminal, but in reality was Amin Marritza, a lowly file clerk who thought of himself as nothing but a coward, but who in reality was a brave man.

The Sisko is on The new Nebula-Class ship "Honshu" (Another ship of the same name was destroyed at Wolf 353 in ST:TNG "The Best of Both Worlds Part II)-Transporting Gul Dukat to his War Crimes Arraignment Hearing. And so The Sisko needs to confront Dukat, giving Dukat every opportunity of grace he can be allowed.

Dukat is a complicated Cardassian, he is true Cardassian to the Core, but there is always something just not quite right about him. For a time, he was The Sisko's ally, at one point in the series, we even start believing that he has changed, and he is becoming a good man, especially with the recovery of his Half-Bajoran/Half-Cardassian daughter Ziyal, who was such a special person, she actually influenced Dukat, we hoped, even to become a good man.

But with the Loss of Ziyal at the hands of Damar, every ounce of goodness was stripped from Dukat. In a way, I do not blame him, we never realize just how much he treasured Ziyal until she was killed, and he went mad.

While The Sisko visits with him in the Brig of the Honshu, Dukat generates an outward air of stability. But anybody who has been through crushing circumstances like that, knows that he is just putting on a Front for The Sisko-He is still damaged, still needs a lot of treatment, still blames everyone except himself for the death of Ziyal.

But the Honshu is attacked by a swarm of Cardassian fighters, and is blown to bits. The Sisko wakes up underground on some God/Prophetforsaken planet, his arm in a metal cast, with Dukat, who initially seems to be helpful: Dukat is tending Sisko's wounds, appears to have even set up a rescue transmitter so they can be saved.

But little by Little, it is revealed that Dukat is a greatly disturbed individual. He is seeing images of Weyoun, Damar and Kira-Who are egging him on to do bad things. The way I take this is that since Dukat no longer has these real people:


To blame for his problems, he must needs create them in his mind so he can keep blaming them, and not himself.

But ultimately, what he really wants some kind of respect from The Sisko: Who at this time is not about to give him one ounce of it. Let's go over the facts:

1) While pretending to be The Sisko and The Federation's Ally, he's out making secret treaties with The Dominion for Cardassia, if only to be made Supreme Leader of that planet.

2) Number one is enough.

Before he did that thing, we were ready to accept that Dukat had seen sense: He had let the Goodness of Ziyal influence him to walk away from his past, where he was the overseer of Terok Nor: Grabbing Bajoran Women for his own (Ziyal was the product of such a thing), working Bajorans to Death, etc.

All of the Cards about Dukat are shown here: In the name of "trying to help the Bajoran People" he secretly was trying to eliminate them. He wanted nothing less than the slaughter of their entire race!

This elevates Dukat to the level, not of someone who "has a few dark areas in themselves" but to someone that clearly defines the absolute line between what is GOOD and what is utterly EVIL.

From this point on, we can no longer think, "Well, Dukat, he's just crazy because Damar killed Ziyal" or "He's a little Odd, but give him the chance and he'll do the right thing" - Wrong! Given the chance, he betrayed The Sisko and The Federation AND Ziyal.

The odd thing, or maybe it is the normal thing with people like this: They still think they are doing GOOD. So, Dukat tried to Kill The Sisko on The Planet- And he could have left him there without one further word or thought. But instead, he contacts The Defiant and tells them where they can find The Sisko.

This is not the last we see of Dukat, because as intrigued as he is with all things Bajor, he happens to find out all about the Kosst Amojan. But that is a story told in Season 7, mostly.
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