One of my favourite DANGER MAN episodes
15 July 2012
I've a soft spot for this episode.

Partially for the wonderful performance that Susan Hampshire gives - in what is one of her two appearances in DANGER MAN.

In this episode, she plays Lena, a beautiful, blonde Brazilian, who is clearly wealthy, and bored.

She involves herself with Drake, who is in Rome investigating what on the surface is a simple case of an agent being murdered.

Lena develops a clear attraction to Drake, and, while McGoohan made it clear that John Drake was not to have romantic entanglements, does respond with as much...interest as Drake can give back.

That is just the side-plot, to this episode, but, Ms. Hampshire's performance, and Mr. McGoohan's wonderful repartė with her, gives what is a great episode, a unique 'kick,' which gives this episode that certain... something.

Without revealing too much of the main plot, Drake's investigation, leads to a sort-of 'murder inc.-type organisation,' where, for a good deal of cash, someone can commission a hit.

Two other standout performances in this episode are from Andre Van Gyseghem, as Enzo Bandone, and, John Cazabon as Ernesto - an older, retied Mafia man, who tries to engage Drakes cover - Clive Harris (a writer), into listening to (and paying for) his stories of old-time Mafia days.

The last (and certainly not the least), person I want to mention, is Burt Kwouk, who gives a terrific appearance as a killer (unnamed in the episode, but, listed as 'Masan' in the credits.
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