John Carter (2012)
Great Characters & effects, but please shoot the screen writers
17 June 2012
I have read all the Mars books but I am no purist. The screen writers of JOHN CARTER unfortunately made a continuous stream of unbelievably horrid mistakes. The Princess of Mars book this was supposed to have been based on had way more than enough amazing scenes to fill a movie twice over. The writers added in parts of other books and flat out changed and created things. They totally over complicated what had been a grand and majestic story with heroic characters and amazing plot lines.

I can understand why people who had not read the books were confused by the disjointed and meandering story-line. But we who had read the books spent half the movie scratching our heads thinking, what they heck was that ? Thurns ? magic amulets ? WHAT the HECK ? The screen writers drank way too much Red Bull and were totally out of control.

John Carter was excellent Dejah Thoris was beautiful, mesmerizing and powerful but stop the whining and loose the brit accent. Tars Tarkacs was good. Sola was good. Woola rocked. But the only way for anyone to understand the story would have been to STICK TO THE STORY. NO Thurns, NO amulets, NO magic drink that teaches the barsoomian language. These were ridiculous decisions. AND OMGosh Dejah was NOT a scientist she was a gorgeous petulent Princess of Helium. Please publish who wrote the screen play so I can avoid any film they ever touch.

I am sorry but I am already waiting for the remake. The one where John Carter hears a sound behind him in the cave, is immobile and magically travels to barsoom with NO EXPLANATION GIVEN. It is called imagination. You know the Nation where you IMAGINE things ? SCI FY fans like that sort of thing. Its is why the books are called classic ?
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