Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Duet (1993)
Season 1, Episode 19
This is arguably the best episode of any Star Trek series ever.
15 April 2012
It is difficult to discuss the meaning of this episode of DS9 without revealing important plot twists. However, I can say, as an avid fan of all the Star Trek series, this episode stuck with me more than any other.

The Cardassian occupation of Bajor was in many ways comparable to the Nazi extermination of the Jews. When it appears a Cardassian war criminal, who was responsible for countless murders of innocent Bajorans, might have been discovered on DS9, it looks, at first, like this episode will be some melodrama about the powerful victimizing the weak, or perhaps the evils of militaristic societies.

But this episode holds some surprises. I'll refrain from giving any more details about this episode other than to say this was one of the rare times that any TV show has inspired such an emotional response in me.

It is a shame that science fiction on television is not held in higher regard because this episode was worthy of an Emmy Award.
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