Review of 50/50

50/50 (2011)
Overrated, but certainly has it's moments
11 April 2012
Seeing this movie reverted me back to when I saw '(500) Days of Summer,' and not just because Joesph Gordon-Leavitt headlines both. When I went to see 'Days,' my expectations were inflated because of all the buzz I had been hearing, which ultimately left mem a little disappointed when it didn't meet them. Don't get me wrong, I really liked the film, but I didn't fall in love with like everyone else. The same thing happened with this film, I enjoyed it for the most part, but still had my reservations.

I'll start with what I liked, mainly, Joseph Gordon-Leavitt. He really puts this film on his back and delivers a great performance. He's funny when he has to me, and believable when he's playing a dramatic role. The more I see him on screen, the more I'm convinced he's blossoming into one of the finest young actors of his generation. Anna Kendrick, who plays the naive therapist, really establishes great chemistry with JGL, and the two play off each other very well. Seth Rogen, while he really does just play Seth Rogen in every film, has his best role I've seen him in, meaning he is only he doses (one can only fathom so much Seth Rogen.) And the story, for the most part, is meaningful and realistic (the screenwriter based it on actual circumstances), never falling into Hollywood clichés and melodrama, which is refreshing.

As for my criticisms, I have a few. Too much of the film's humor relied on juvenile jokes. Maybe it has something to do with the film's serious material, but no one ever seems to have a problem with the constant sex-jokes, which grew old fast. Bryce Dallas Howard's character, the 'bad' girlfriend (what else?), didn't seem to move the story further and acted very one-dimensional. Her not being in the movie at all would of been a benefit, allowing more time for the growth between the otherwise interesting characters.

But the good outweighs the bad here, and it's an enjoyable, if not somewhat forgettable, little movie worth seeing if you have some free time.

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