John Carter (2012)
Old School Meets New School Flawlessly
18 March 2012
OK, a ten is pushing it, but this is a very, very well done film with a very good story. Not a campy adventure like Flash Gordon (which was fun) but a serious science fiction/fantasy film literally from another age. Makes Star Wars seem childish and is a significantly better story than Avatar and certainly does not have the environmental sop you see in so many films. Serious actors, serious script, and serious direction. No attempts at cheap humor (although there are bits of humor here and there and there is one character you HAVE to like)nor juvenile distractions and none of the self flagellation you see in so many sci-fi and fantasy films where the characters wallow in dark misery and keep a stone faced grimace all through the film. I really can't compare it to another film, it stands alone and you come out of the theater with a spring in your step. I think this film will gain increasing acceptance...and it is a great stand alone film. Will it get an Oscar, no, but it is a film that hits on all eight cylinders which is a quite rare event so I give it a ten for that. Disney spent 250 million on it to get it right. They should be congratulated.
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