Futurama: A Fishful of Dollars (1999)
Season 1, Episode 6
Introducing Mom
25 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After experiencing a commercial while he dreamt Fry has an urge to buy 'Lightspeed Briefs'; the underwear of the future but sadly for him he is a little short on cash. It looks like he is going to end up with even less when he has to chip in to pay Bender's bail after he was arrested for shoplifting but then Fry remembered his old bank account. It only had 93ȼ in it when he was frozen in 1999 but due to the wonders of compound interest he now has $4.3 billion dollars! He quickly sets about buying various Twentieth Century items so he can live his old life again. One of the items he wants most is the last can of anchovies. Somebody else wants them too; Mom, the lovable CEO of Mom's Old-Fashioned Robot Oil. She isn't quite as lovable as she seems and wants them because they could be used to create a cheaper robot oil that would put her out of business. In order to get the anchovies off Fry she sets about bankrupting him but even when he is left with nothing he refuses to sell... he is going to share them with his friends.

This was a decent episode that introduced some great new characters; the foulmouthed Mom and her three dim-witted sons Walt, Larry and Igner. While he only had a small part Zoidberg was hilarious in this episode; showing that he can get very angry when he can't have what he wants. The episode also featured a guest appearance from Pamela Anderson who played her own preserved head is a slightly self-mocking scene where she is helping Mom's son's persuade Fry in is back in the 20th Century to get his PIN. Overall it was enjoyable even though I tend to prefer more 'futuristic' episodes to those that dwell on the 20th Century.
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