Good sequel to "Father Of The Bride"
21 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have a different view of this film and its predecessor. I don't think they're really comedies. I think they're depictions of what happens when a young girl gets married, or in the sequel's case, a couple has their first baby. Yes, the two stories are told with humor, but in both films there's nothing outlandish happening...it's just life...and there are long segments which are rather dramatic in nature. Yet, the films are not dramas, either. Perhaps a family film with generous doses of humor. But be warned, this is not a Steve Martin film...it's a Spencer Tracy film...hence the world of difference.

Tracy is, perhaps, even better here than in the previous film. Some of his scenes with Elizabeth Taylor are so convincing that you'll wish Tracy was your father. According to the new Tracy biography, it was around this time that Tracy begin describing himself as old, although he was only in his very early 50s.

Joan Bennett is, again, excellent as the mother. Taylor excellent as the sensitive daughter (I found her very appealing in this role, although I am not particularly a fan of Taylor). The supporting players are all fine and do their jobs nicely...particularly Moroni Olson and Billie Burke, although their screen-time is short...just enough to advance the plot, despite them being the in-laws.

For me, the two films are about equal in quality. Perhaps "Father Of The Bride" fresher, but that may be simply because the characters and story were new to the viewer. In terms of quality, the two films could easily be put together as one long film, and I doubt anyone would notice much of a variance. Tracy fans will want this on their DVD shelf...when it becomes available from the Warner Archive...the prints out there now are cheap knockoffs, but it is broadcast on TCM every once in a while.
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