Amy feels rejected in "The Isolation Permutation" ep of "The Big Bang Theory"
21 November 2011
In a nutshell of this ep of "The Big Bang Theory" from this season: Because Amy keeps weirding out Penny and Bernadette when shopping for wedding dresses, she's kept out of the most recent one which makes her sad. So sad she wants Sheldon to make mad love to her. Since Sheldon is uncomfortable with the whole intimacy thing, she settles for simply cuddling which is still too much for him and which has him telling Leonard and Howard to "keep your women in line"! I'll stop there and just say Mayim Bialik keeps the dramatic and comedic side of her Amy character in a good balance as one feels for her and can still laugh at her attempts to adjust to whatever social situations she gets into. And as always, Jim Parsons just gives in to the Sheldon character in full force with hilarious results. Not a great episode but "The Isolation Permutation" is still a good enough edition of "The Big Bang Theory" to get by.
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