Secret Agent: Such Men Are Dangerous (1965)
Season 1, Episode 14
Investigating "The Order"
10 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A man nearing the end of his prison term is offered a suspicious job once he gets out, and he decides to inform the authorities about it. Next thing you know, Drake is substituted for the man, and finds himself a recruit in a top-secret "Order" with neo-Nazi leanings bent on "removing" anyone in the government they deem a "menace to society".

A particularly tense, nerve-wracking story to sit thru. Some episodes of SECRET AGENT are very entertaining, but others (like this one) just keep me on the edge of my seat while thinking I'm glad I DON'T have Drake's job!

Interesting connections, this was directed by Don Chaffey, who did JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS, and from that cast he's included John Cairney (who played "Hylas", Hercules' friend who died too young) and Jack Gwillim (who played the booming-voiced "King Aeetes", who used the Hydra's teeth to create unliving skeletal soldiers). I love looking up info like this online, especially when I know I recognize someone but not from where. Also in the cast is Erik Chitty as the butler (but who made an indelible impression on me as the librarian in the Tom Baker DOCTOR WHO story, "The Deadly Assassin").

It was Lee Montague as the French Major Latour who really got on my nerves, though. He was just TOO cold-blooded when it came to murder, and it the sort of person one really wishes the world COULD be rid of. (The character, not the actor!)
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