Definitely worth seeing, best adaptation I've seen in a long time.
29 June 2011
We all have our favorite books that we would love to see transferred to the big screen. Problem is that when they are, we are often disappointed by the adaptation. Usually, those books are so clear in our minds, with a linear development until the conclusion, that we feel betrayed by the adaptation. Not so here.

Firstly, when I read that The Diving Bell and the Butterfly would be adapted, I was very skeptical as this book is probably the polar opposite of the typical blockbuster, and is, in my opinion, one of the most difficult books to adapt on screen. I suggest that you read it to understand my point. It's only 140 pages or so, therefore, don't miss out on it.

Schnabel was able to transform a series of somewhat independent chapters and ideas in a movie that is both faithful to the text, and yet very different at the same time, and that is no small feat. All the actors do an outstanding job, and even though the protagonist, Jean-Dominique Bauby, is clearly not a saint, we empathize with him and his loved ones.

Definitely worth it.
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