Review of Priest

Priest (2011)
Way better than expected!
26 June 2011
I saw the cheesy animation that this filmed opened with and I cringed. The entire premise for the movie is explained in the first few minutes using a low-budget looking cartoon. However, I paid attention, and forced myself to watch more...

Shortly after came the true opening sequence on a remote ranch...I was just about to turn it off, but again I made myself watch more...and I'm glad I did!

In short order, the movie found its footing and started to get interesting. In fact, this movie was actually surprisingly good. Sure, it has its bad moments like almost any movie-- however its mostly an action/horror flick and it delivers on both--especially the action.

If you enjoyed reading comics when you were a kid, and you're tired of all the "romantic" vampires in movies of late, then this could be a movie you'll like. Lots of good old fashioned vampire butt-kicking in a movie short on depth but long on fun and entertainment.
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