The interviews
9 April 2011
This era has since long legendary status, not just in American history, but all over the world. It seems like a saga now; this radicalism, this possibility of seeing even socialism as a possible alternative in the US. It was not just about race issues, it was also about the economic and political system.

During these years, Swedish television many times went over to the States, interviewing black radical leaders. We meet Stokely Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver and in a very unique sequence also Angela Davis in prison. Most of it takes place after the backlash in the late 60s. The movement was deradicalised and we meet the fighters talking about big changes, but you have the feeling that they've lost most of their faith in it. It's a big difference compared to the attitude of Stokely Carmichael during his Stockholm visit in 1967.

Very interesting material, but you miss the analysis. Why was the movement deradicalised? It was not just because of police brutality during riots or supposed FBI actions. And you don't get any explanation about why the movement and other powers had success when it came to reducing racism. There's anyway another USA today, compared to what it was in 1967.
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