A real problem treated with dummy cliché
23 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this problem is really serious, women (and not only) are trafficked by the thousands each year. It is a very sad fact of life and this should be paid attention more closely by everyone, especially men who .. consume this kind of services. However, this movie/TV series, whatever it is a piece of crap. It takes a very serious problem and instead of treating it right, providing a story with a beginning and an end and maybe a believable one, it's filled up with stupid TV cliché's: the dad who does not believe his daughter when she says she's been raped by her uncle (and actually blames her), the dad who leaves home after his daughter is kidnapped in a foreign country (and pressures the mum to forget about the lost child and save their marriage), the victims who are so afraid of their captors they do not testify even after the longest time they are in the custody of authorities. This is a LIE!!! Except for hillbillies, have you actually heard of such a dad, who would not believe his daughter over her uncle, who would forget about a child, or how do you think trafficking networks are caught these days? Out of these two hours , half was full of cheap paper-back clichés. The worst of them all was the mother letting the bad guy know about her daughter's phone call by yelling hollow threats over to him (something about killing him when she finds him, very americano, I admit), although this would most certainly bring her daughter a death-sentence?! I mean, how stupid of a writer do you have to be not to realize what a big hole this is? I gave this a 6 because the issue at the heart of this is very tragic and unfortunately real, and because Robert Carlyle is his usual self, that is very good.
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