Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen: Part One (1985)
Season 22, Episode 1
Peri really short for Peritonitis
30 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It is hard to really know where to begin with this episode. We have writers arguing about who wrote the thing, a Doctor still settling into the role, a side kick that while kind on the eyes, is just a dreadful character played by an even worse actor.

The good news. We have a nice premise building. A distress signal that should not exist. A great bad guy in Maurice Colbourne - who died well before his time. Creepy dark tunnels and finally strange looking policemen.

The policemen turn out a bust - who they are or why they are here is never explained, they just sorta stop turning up halfway through the episode. The tunnels, we discover are full of Cybermen- with more of them lurking behind the Moon.

The Doctor stumbles into all this, seems to have the guts of the problem worked out without actually telling anyone, anything, and Peri wandering around with an American accent that actually hurts the ears to listen to Things have got to get better for episode 2....don't they....I mean really, they have too don't they.
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