The New Statesman: Back from the Mort (1992)
Season 4, Episode 1
Alan fancies some Brussels
10 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
'Eastenders' is in hot water for a storyline over a baby swap. The producers insist they have done nothing wrong and only wish to highlight the problem of cot death. Rubbish. The only thing they are interested in is generating sufficient publicity to push up the ratings. That is what soap operas are all about. If they thought they could get away with a storyline about ear wax, they would do it.

Right, onto 'Back From The Mort'. The first episode of the final series begins with Alan returning to London after a two year stay in the Gulag. He is treated like a celebrity, but the world has moved on a bit. Sarah has had him declared officially dead, and plans to remarry - the Danish Count Otto von Munchweiller ( Benedick Blythe ). Despite his nationality, the Count is a German M.E.P. Alan gets the idea of becoming one too, but needs a seat. The Count's will do nicely...

In 1992, the Tories ( led by John Major ) defied the odds by clinging onto power. Alan tells the press at the start of this episode that that was not how it was meant to be. They wanted Neil Kinnock to win so he could take the blame for Black Wednesday and see their party back in Government by 1997. With each new season, the producer changed. Here it is Bernard McKenna, a writer on L.W.T.'s 'Doctor' series and David Jason's 'The Top Secret Life Of Edgar Briggs'. The production company 'Alomo' took over the series' making, the same people responsible for 'Birds Of A Feather'.

Incredibly violent even by 'N.S.' standards. Poor Piers has a tooth yanked out with pliers, is hit in the face with a phone, his bottom set alight, and his baby Gervais is held out of a window ( was Michael Jackson a fan of this show, do you think? ). Marsha Fitzalan says the scene where Sarah wakes up to find her decapitated lover in bed with her made her nauseous. No wonder. The late Robert Maxwell is mentioned, setting up a future storyline.

Funniest moment - Alan catching Sarah about to cop off with Count Otto in the stable. "What's the difference between my wife and The Eiffel Tower?", he asks. "It costs 25 francs to get UP the Eiffel Tower!".
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