a great movie
25 December 2010
I'm a fan of movies about real people & events, & I think I would have accidentally overlooked "The King's Speech" if my parents hadn't mentioned reading a review in the local paper, where a critic had given it an "A-minus." That was good enough for me, so I saw it today in a crowded theater and was not disappointed. "The King's Speech" is definitely one of the best movies I've seen this year (and I go to about 30-40 movies a year).

I read about King George VI's speech problems but that's not what the movie is about. It's about facing your fears, especially in your darkest hours--and it's okay if you need (and seek) a little help. Prince Albert (Firth) was put into a difficult situation; he was a happily married family man/naval officer and totally unprepared for the role that fell to him in December 1936 when his brother, Edward VIII, abdicates the throne to marry a twice-divorced American woman. Albert had been taking speech therapy from Lionel Logue (Rush) for a while before becoming king & after he was crowned, Britian got involved in WWII and King George VI had to make lots of speeches (via radio) to bolster his subjects. Logue was with him all the way, yet no one ever knew.

Great performances all around by Geoffrey Rush, Colin Firth, and Helena Bonham-Carter. Guy Pearce (one of my favorite actors) played Edward VIII (he didn't look as wimpy as Edward but he definitely appeared as flaky) and I wonder how many young people know (if they see this movie) that the oldest of the king's 2 daughters is now Queen Elizabeth II? Anyway, don't take my word for it. See "The King's Speech" and decide for yourself!
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