why does no-one in this movie have any sense of perspective
4 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Susie Salmon is dead. Murdered by a neighbour who appears to all intents and purposes as a normal, if solitary, figure. But although she is dead she is trapped in the space in-between and is able to see the devastated life she left behind.

Thus begins one of the most wasteful films I have ever had the misfortune to watch. The Actors all do their jobs well enough and during a few moments the Director does manage to create a genuine sense of tension, terror and fear, but the problem seem to be with either the source material or the adapted script.

The characters seem to have no sense of perspective at key moments. For instance when the younger sister finds the book that proves who actually killed her elder sibling when she gets home she wastes valuable seconds handing the book over because her Mum has come home. WHAT??? It was like whoever wrote that seemed to have absolutely no sense of family or the desire for revenge that anyone would have if anybody hurt their family members. But the biggest waste was surely the end when getting a snog is more important than catching your murderer.

I don't know if this lack of perspective is due to the script or the original book but it just seemed so wishy washy in parts compared with how good it was in others and the ending just seemed to be an empty tag on by writers clearly wanting to give the audience some kind of happy ending rather than having the guts to give the audience the grim ending that the makers seemed to want.

Disappointing fayre.
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