Once upon a time
15 October 2010
...there was a boy who lived in a permissive society. Prostitution is legal there (a good thing), pornographic magazines and videos are freely available (why not) as are gory exploitation films which can be watched legally by anybody over the age of 16. Nobody likes Germans very much. The society is that of the Netherlands. The boy became the writer/director of this movie.

Unfortunately all the influences (not even mentioning Salo, Hostel, Saw etc.) didn't produce a top film. Rather the opposite - WAY opposite.

The sad fact is that this laughable piece of utter garbage will make money because it was produced cheaply and seems to belong to a popular genre - horror. Actually the "horror" is confined to a few short scenes of gore. The concept of the "centipede" is laughable to begin with and the result is unconvincing and downright ridiculous.

This does not even belong in the "so bad it's good" category. It's so bad it's really, really bad.

This review is 100% accurate.
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