A True Homage to Stupidity!
20 August 2010
You might enjoy this movie if you believe Tom and Jerry cartoons are the greatest artistic achievement of all time. You might enjoy this movie if you have absolutely no knowledge of history. You might enjoy this movie if you have never seen a good one. You might enjoy this movie if your favorite actors are Larry, Curly and Moe.

Tarantino has created his buffoonish, cartoonish, lampoonish impression of World War II. When every character and action is a joke, why give a shoot for over 2 and a half hours of shtick and schlock. There is no acting. It is all acting out. Tarantino is impressed with anyone who can speak or read a non-English language. There are only 6 billion such humans in the world.

Tarantino has such a warped concept of what is good acting, good writing. He can frame a shot. The first scene is what made the movie with critics. They left after the first 20 minutes and assumed the rest was as good.

What is worst of all is that Tarantino betrays his extreme ignorance of all realities of WW2. In order to take liberties with the truth you need to at least understand where the facts stop and fantasy begins. Tarantino misses the boat completely, so the entire premise of the movie is totally flawed. How could he miss depicting the Nazis as vampires? Why didn't he show Hitler's 30 inch ebony dildo and his crypt under the Brandenburg Gate? Also, the real Inglorious Basterds were not Jews, they were escapees from an insane asylum. They all had extreme physical deformities. Obviously, Hollywood wasn't prepared for the sight of freaks. Those facts should have been included. No legitimate WW2 movie would neglect to include them.
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