Beautiful under-rated Star Trek film by critics and fans
15 August 2010
This film is truly magnificent. Beautiful. I thought I wouldn't like it because of the bad reviews by critics and fans but boy were the critics and especially the fans wrong. This is a truly beautiful film that is in such heights as 2001: A Space Odyssey. This is a wonderful film that captured my attention from the first scene, from the first minute. This is a truly magnificent film adaption of the TV series. Star Trek doesn't need action scenes to be entertaining, I don't mind a film whether it has action scenes or not, just an entertaining story. I love the latest sequel, prequel and reboot Star Trek because that is what Gene Roddenberry would have loved to have done and if he was alive would have loved the film deeply. The film may rely heavily on special effects but at least it didn't rely on effects much as films do today. The effects are breath taking and throughout the whole film I cannot imagine the film even being made in 1979. 1979!!! It's like this film stole all the other 70s film special effects budgets to create the most awsomest and ageless effects ever.

The story is great and is very Star Trek: The Original Series. The film is over-long but with the effects, story and acting I really don't care. The film is scary, mysterious and just Goddamn beautiful and every Star Trek fan who pans this film really needs to reconsider whether they are a true "Trekkie" or not.

This film is just awesome, I cannot say how brilliant this is. When watching it it's like I'm on drugs, I've never been on drugs and never will but at least this "drug" that I'm high on won't shorten my life, just give me a high excited level and make my heart beat double the usual beat.

Other reviews have praised the film for it's score and I will not disagree. Jerry Goldsmith and John Williams are two of my favourite composers but thank God Jerry did it because otherwise it would have felt like Star Wars if John did it. Every music piece in the film sounds like an overture at the beginning of a musical that consists of snippets of music from the show. Fast beats, slow beats, high beats, low beats. It's just beautiful and makes me want to scream out "Star Trek" a thousand times on top of my roof because of how beautiful it is.

I give it a 9 out of 10 because I felt the film ended a bit abruptly with some unanswered questions but if I forgot that then it would have got 10/10. A brilliant film that is so super
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