Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Get It Done (2003)
Season 7, Episode 15
Get It Done? Get It Over With Already is more like it.
11 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The key to the entire series:

Principal Wood: "Well...there's nothing like the end of the world to bring people together."

Whether or not people realize it...THIS is actually the cornerstone of the entire NWO. They foment terror in order to bring people together for ultimate control/enslavement. The irony is that togetherness in one sense is the ultimate goal of good. But there are two distinct kinds of togetherness. One is the kind that sustains individual differences, and is brought together by love. The other is the kind that attempts to obliterate individual differences and is brought together by fear. The puppet masters are architects of the latter.

Chloe hangs herself. (Who would have ever thought that a household of teenage girls -- with no parental supervision -- could ever be this depressing?)

Buffy decides it's time to break open the bag of stuff that belonged to Principal Wood's Slayer mother.

And Dawn now has special translation skills from ancient languages? (Heck...I thought she was still working on mastering English.) Not to worry though...eventually the Samarian translates itself into English. Wow...to be a Buffy fan...

They use a shadow puppet thing, along with whatever Dawn is translating from an old book, to open a portal to another dimension. Also, the history of how the first slayer was brought about is revealed -- she was injected with some demon powers. Buffy jumps through the temporarily open portal into another dimension, but it's a two-way street. A demon enters the Sunnydale dimension. Xander quips...the "exhange student" is a demon that they now have to fight. The demon runs away. But not before making a big mess in the house. More work for Xander to fix up the house. Again.

Best part of the episode? After Buffy entered the portal, and is talking to the three tribal men, she starts blathering on and on until one of them takes his stick and smacks her in the head to shut her the eff up! Then...later on...one of them says: "The First Slayer did not talk so much". LOL Funny stuff!!

Cheap CGI for the demon that created The First Slayer.

Dark Willow re-opens the portal.

And good old Buffy...the Know-It-All-Slayer...decides that she doesn't need any additional power and that she knows more than the men who created The First Slayer, despite the fact that she's totally over matched against The First (Evil).

Spike finds his long black coat in the school basement and now he's....what? Spiderman? Superman? SuperSpike?

Spike defeats the demon...blah...blah...blah...Buffy refuses the help of the three tribesmen...blah...blah...blah...the demon is exchanged for Buffy and she returns to Sunnydale...blah...blah...blah...Buffy realizes after it's too late that she should have taken the power from the tribesmen...blah...blah...blah...
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