Getting skinned alive is just the beginning of how painful THIS episode is...
7 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As another reviewer already stated, this episode starts off on the wrong foot by not continuing at the end of the previous episode. But that's apparently par for the course in season 7. It's like this series has been relegated to "Buffy By Committee". And it shows.

I also wholeheartedly agree with another reviewer who lamented the fact that Willow is now back to mope mode. What a waste. (I know we can't have Dark Willow back. But some upgrade over plain old mopey Willow would have been nice.)

But what really sinks this episode -- like so many others -- is the dialog. It's like it was written by 8th graders. There's no energy. There's no flow. There's no continuity. There's no magic. There's no nothing.

Using the previous episode as an example -- there's that whole build up to Buffy becoming a counselor at the school, and then, faster than you can say "Where is Spike?", she's running off to the basement to find Spike, never even SEEING a student! It's beyond pointless.

And the whole premise in "Same Time, Same Place" -- that Willow was invisible to the Scoobies and vise versa because she wasn't ready to see them/didn't want them to see her because she felt all guilty, and that's what caused everyone to disappear -- is just plain stupid. This episode felt like it had been on for 30 minutes at the 9 minute mark.

And the blatant Gollum rip-off? Obviously, Whedon has no shame. And no gas left in the tank.

Spike, as usual, is the only one who provides a top notch performance. It's simply not enough to carry the whole load.

And with regard to Xander's suggestion that they put a leash on Spike? Someone seriously needs to put a muzzle on Xander.

The lines that best describe this episode? They come from Xander and Buffy: "It's tough to look at". "And yet...my eyes refuse to look away. Stupid eyes".

Or...if you prefer...Spike to Xander: "I'm insane...what's HIS excuse?"

ANY redeeming qualities? Well...Gnarl's nose is funnier looking than Buffy's. (A stretch...I know...but I can only work with what the show gives me.)
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