Superb Production Values
1 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is the sequel to Jalmari Helander's RARE EXPORTS INC . Since the original's success centres around a shock revelation as to who the hunters are stalking in the cold wastes of Lapland it's obvious that all the cards have been played so instead of trying out another plot twist the makers have followed this up with biting satire . The short is made in a similar way to a training film as to how to transport a captive Father Christmas safely

Even if you're not taken too much to the script you should be impressed by the technical aspects of THE OFFICIAL RARE EXPORTS INC SAFETY INSTRCUTIONS . The cinematography by Jean Noel Mustonen is very noticeable in a good way and I've rarely seen a well shot short film . The music is uncredited by Iwas instantly reminded of Howard Shore's superb score for LORD OF THE RINGS

I've been clicking on the names of many of the people responsible in the production of this short and I'm disappointed Hollywood mainstream producers haven't been knocking on their door because this is certainly a very well made short film from all concerned
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