Revenge of a Mother
25 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In Seoul, the thirty-three year-old Jung Sun-jung (Jeong-hwa Eom) sees an abusive stepmother beating up on her stepdaughter in the bathroom of a department store and she stabs the woman to death with a stiletto. Detective Oh Sung-ho (Seong-kun Mun) interviews the little girl and watches the tape of the surveillance camera of the department store, finding the lead of Sun-jung. However he does not disclose his discovery to his partner. Sun-young works in a car dealer of Porches and then she kills a young woman in a massage house and later her lover in his apartment. The partner of Sung-ho finds the sticker of cartoon character Princess Aurora in each victim and Sung-ho meets and has sex with Sun- jung that is his ex-wife. She steals his handcuffs and kidnaps a taxi driver, killing him later. Then she abducts and kills the son of the owner of the restaurant Hanseung. Sung-ho finally discloses to his chief Byun Sang-ho that the serial-killer is his ex-wife and their six year- old daughter Oh Min-ah that they called Princess Aurora had been abducted, raped, killed and dumped naked in a landfill on the day of her birthday exactly one year ago. They discover that Sun-jung has kidnapped the defense attorney Kim Wu-Taek that had defended the killer Hong Gi- beom that was sent to a mental institution instead of prison. The police and the press head to the landfill where Min-ah was found expecting to meet Sun-young and her hostage.

"Orora Gongju" a.k.a. Princess Aurora is another great Korean movie of revenge of a mother. The story is very well constructed, with an excellent screenplay that discloses the plot like a puzzle like most of the Korean films. The story begins with a serial-killer murdering people apparently without any connection but in the end there is an explanation for each death. The direction and the performances are also top-notch. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Princesa Aurora" ("Princess Aurora")
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