So worth seeing!
11 July 2010
I was hesitant to see this film, since I loved all of the books so much. I was afraid that the film would be a big disappointment. No! This is a great film, although it seems to me that without having read the books, it might be difficult to "get" everything.

Another concern was the amount of violence that might be portrayed on screen. Again, no problem. It could not have been done better--only enough is shown so that you know exactly what is going on and can feel the anguish. But there is no gratuitous or unnecessary violence shown. Kudos to the director for making great choices and to the actors for their brilliant portrayals.

The casting is superb. I know that some people do not like to see films with subtitles, but I am really wondering if the American version will in any way be able to even come close to the beauty and brilliance of this film.

My recommendation is to read the books and then see this beautiful and haunting film, which provides another way to experience this intense, idealistic and inspiring story.
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