Review of Creep

Creep (I) (2004)
more gory than creepy
10 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
creep (2004) A woman misses the last train in London subway and is locked in the station … still wondering what to do she sees a train pull up… she gets in and it stops midway in a tunnel… an acquaintance of hers is also in the train and tries to rape her but just before he can do major harm he's pulled away by something unseen in the dark… and now the creature that has saved the above woman starts to stalk her trying to cut her into little pieces and eat her up I guess… While the concept is interesting the film's script itself is repetitive… the girl keeps on meeting new guys in the isolated underground all of whom start getting bumped off a bit later… she remains alive as the film has to run for at least 90 minutes… And it always happens that the girl getting the creature down and out has just to kill it and the film will be over … but she leaves the creature alive and it comes back to chase her again… it happens THREE times! Girl hits bad creature… bad creature down, almost dead… girl doesn't finish the job and kill it… girl runs… bad creature gets up angrier than ever… repeat and rehash above sequence… so not a very interesting film… specially when you give the creature super human strength… and the girl a super low IQ.
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