Moving and thought provoking
9 July 2010
I LOVED this film. While not a fan of Austin Kutcher, I really enjoyed his performance,but more than that, the story itself is superb. This film is just immersive, pulling you into a world of endless possibility. The thing is, it is partly true. We can change our future, though not by going back to the past but by changing how we live today.

There are lessons to be learned in this film. Everything we choose has consequences to our future. As I look back on my life, I see the time I wasted and wish I could go back to do something more productive with that time, rather than just partying and having fun, but well, that's another story.

A great film makes you think about your life. That's what this film does. This is a must see. Don't hesitate to watch it. It will enthrall, and entertain you and make you think about life, and how you can make it better. You'll appreciate what you have now...
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