Dark Relic (2010 TV Movie)
Almost unbearable
10 June 2010
Well, as this being a SyFy movie, should basically be enough said right there.

As for the story, well the plot was alright and it was a great idea, but the movie suffered horribly from it being badly put to the screen. And the movie really suffered from the crappy effects and CGIs.

There were points where I wanted to claw my eyes out because of the effects, but somehow the story managed to keep me interested enough to actually watch this movie.

As for the acting. Well mostly they were good enough, with a couple of exceptions. Nothing major or academy-winning performances here.

I do not recommend you sit down to watch this movie, unless you got an unhealthy interest in the age of crusaders and in cheesy supernatural movies, and with crappy CGI effects at that! But hey, if that is your combo, then go right for it. Personally, I could find much better and more constructive ways to spend my time.
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