Doll Face (1945)
Where's Carmen's Tutti-Frutti Hat When You Need It?
19 May 2010
I started to read a fellow critique of this and stopped, but I too am writing this to let you Miranda fans that this isn't the movie for you, if you want Carmen, Carmen, and more Carmen! She sings one song I think in this movie based on a book written by Louise Hovick AKA Gypsy Rose Lee. You see, there's this stripper, played by Vivian Blaine, who can't get a job out of the business to go legitimate, because, in auditions when they find out who she is, they don't want an ex-stripper in their stage play/musical. So, she and her boyfriend/manager Dennis O'Keefe decide she needs to write a book to get respect and hire a ghost writer to help her.

Perry Como is on hand with his smooth voice, but while the movie has its moments, there aren't enough good songs or Miranda to get really excited about or to really recommend it.
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