Review of Dead Snow

Dead Snow (2009)
As if they weren't bad enough when they were alive...
9 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie isn't great or original by any stretch of the imagination. And it's certainly not as funny or clever as SHAUN OF THE DEAD, but it is entertaining enough in its own right. Still, again, not the roaring success it's made out to be. It's actually kind of spotty and it's mostly that it's reasonably well-paced that it isn't a disaster.

The movie includes the standard stupid teenagers or twenty-something vacation goers, in this movie, medical students, caught in an isolated place (references are even made to this by one of the ill-fated campers); in this case, a cabin in the snowy Norwegian mountains, just asking to get picked off by something; in this case, Nazi ghouls who, at one point are stealthy enough to swiftly run past a man to slit his throat or strong enough to physically pull apart another man's skull, then later fall down at will or have their heads kicked in and burst apart like rotten melons.

But it's not these incongruities that are the main problem. The film evidently has a twist at the end. Apparently, all the ghouls are after is a small box of treasure they'd amassed during WW2 and that one of the twenty-somethings found in a hole in the floor of the cabin. Apparently, it was finding this box that awakened the ghouls and one of the characters revealing it to them seems to appease them. But if this is the case, it fails to explain why two other characters, who have nothing to do with the treasure, are killed. If the answer is that the ghouls kill because they are ghouls, then what's the big deal about the treasure?

But it has some good makeup and effects going for it and, as I said, it's well-paced. Certainly not the worst movie of its type.
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