Review of V for Vendetta

Political propaganda full of clichés turn out to be a pathetic, mediocre movie
1 May 2010
The Wachowsky brothers just don't know how to tell stories (The Matrix trilogy is barely decent), and they prove me right with V for Vendetta. The story of freedom after repression, directed by the mediocre James McTeigue, is interesting, but the film (script and scenes) is full with cheap political propaganda, clichés and terrible performances (Natalie Portman disappointed me, Hugo Weaving is just ridiculous/stupid with the pathetic detail of the mask and Stephen Rea saved all his acting abilities for this film).

The problem of this film is that, in its mad necessity to do the political propaganda, tries to tell a lot of stories in one. And the result is a horrible, horrible script, where we see the performance of at least 100 characters!! To make the story "intense" McTeigue tries to put some "comedy" (pathetic humor in the scene where they make fun of the dictator), "drama" (the idiotic story of Portman's character entering in jail by the dictator, when later you realize that was V himself who do that (¿?), suspense (not effective AT ALL, of course), and -of course the "top" ingredient in American blockbuster industry- action (Not kidding: You'll see fires, bombs, police chasing, bullets all over the film, and, as a closure, a fire games' show).

But why can a movie be so overrated in its home country and so hated in THE REST OF THE WORLD? It's easy: The scenes work as individual scenes, but when you try to put a movie together, the result is terrible. American critics and public liked it since it deals with sensitive topics like totalitarianism, racism, homosexuality and others, and the film at the end has a "positive message". Nothing wrong with that, but I won't waste two hours of my life watching a political propaganda that is dressed as a "movie". If you haven't watched it, you're lucky. DO NOT WATCH IT!
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