Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen: Part One (1975)
Season 12, Episode 17
The cheap effects can't stump the story! ** Spoilers **
6 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps it's too predictable to mention 'special effects' with the 'old' Doctor Who stories, much like saying regarding playing 'Monopoly' "Wouldn't this be good if the money was real". (There you are, it's out of my system!). However, with 'Who', you've got to hand it to them when the stories are good - as this one is.

A good plot again with the Cyber menaces, who always somehow scared me with the motionless mouths and the fixed round eyes - especially Christopher Robbie's 'transalantic accent in a tin', taking on the best Dr Who (Yes, Tom Baker, but really, all of them have been excellent INCLUDING Paul McGann!) and of course, failing. The Vogons are quite fairly made up (I don't mean when they assist in defeating the Cybermen, I mean their costumes!). Of course, the fun WAS the dodgy sets, costumes etc, but try telling that to my son and the present generation, who have now grown up with the Cybermen like some idiotic 'you will be deleted' moronic Robocop-walking-type armour-clad and totally brainless army.

A good story here nonetheless as I've said, with the small force invading the 'nerva-beacon' and being ruthless as usual and of course, having the usual human on their side, being a traitor to the rest of us, forgetting he'd be betrayed by the tin soldiers if they wanted to at anytime. We got our licence fee's worth here. But again it may only be for 'Who' fans who can get past the Bacofoil and vacuum cleaner-tubed maniacs! (I particularly liked the 'head guns' of the Cybermen, reminding of not much more than a couple of ciggie-lighters ignited at once!)
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