Review of Antichrist

Antichrist (2009)
Von Trier , a master of cinema
17 March 2010
Lars Von Trier made the most technically stunning film ever. This director has the most extensive knowledge of the European classical art, painting in special, but also music, sculpture and architecture. Such complex and intricate are the cultural quotes of every shot that you have to ignore the plot altogether.I wasn't interested in the plot, what the couple did there was of secondary importance. The MAIN thing was the stunning composition of the shots,it was like the biggest treat in a museum of art. The SURPRISE factor was essential, what is going to appear under each leaf, under the dust or in a corner of the room. Von Trier proved himself a great storyteller in Breaking the waves, Dancer in the dark, etc. He didn't have to prove anything in regard of storytelling here. He just WANTED to make a demonstration of visual art and he did it masterfully. A full 10. For the dedication to Tarkovsky also.
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