I have officially lost all faith in humanity.
9 March 2010
If someone ever told me to name the top 5 absolute WORST movies ever made, the first one I would think of is this worthless piece of amateurish filth.

Honestly, there is not one single redeeming quality of this entire "film". Directed and written by a sped who knows less than nothing about directing and writing, the cinematography is dull and ugly, acting is some of the most awful I have ever seen (and yes, I did see Cyber Tracker 2), etc. Not to mention that this movie is not funny at all, not even by accident.

Well, now that I think of it, there might be one good thing to come out of this vomit-inducing bore-fest. If you somehow manage to make it completely through this crap from start to finish, then you have seen the worst movie ever made. You can now watch Michael Bay movies with a big smile on your face, thinking "hell, this ain't so bad!" But me, I'd rather try sneezing with my eyes open than have to suffer this kind of agony again.

The only reason why I somehow managed to do the impossible and watch this from start to finish is because I was in a state of physical shock after seeing how incredibly awful it was. No word of lie...I watched this for the first (and only) time with 4 friends who all claimed that it was great. They all fell asleep within the first 30 minutes...and we watched it in the day time.

That being said, this is nothing more than the cinematic equivalent of having a 400 pound man with chronic diarrhea squat over your open mouth for a full two hours. If you are ever so incredibly bored one day and decide to watch this, take my word for it...do anything else at all. Go down to Taco Bell and sift through the dumpster outside for the food they throw away...and eat all of it. It will be a lot more healthy, satisfying, and a lot less likely to cause gastrointestinal cramps...and chronic diarrhea.

Troy Duffy should quit film-making and find something that he's actually good at.
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