Violent and hilarious
4 March 2010
Wow. Look how far Quentin Tarantino has come. First, his brilliant crime caper Reservoir Dogs. Then, film classic Pulp Fiction, which won him an Oscar. Lastly, dialogue driven Jackie Brown and action homage Kill Bill Films. Now, his newest film Inglorious Basterds has dazzled us all and showed us Tarantino can never make a bad film (Four Rooms was only a segment, so it does not count). Tarantino's graphic,funny WWII masterpiece is both hilarious and outstanding because of it's ingenious screenplay, expert direction and excellent performances. Brad Pitt is hilarious as Lt. Aldo Raine, Eli Roth is smashing as The Bear Jew, Diane Kruger is equally good, but the star of the show is Christoph Waltz as Colonel Hans Landa. Suave and sophisticated, he is one of the best bad guys ever. Nominated for 8 academy awards including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay & Best Supporting Actor for Waltz. Oscars, don't you dare snub Tarantino now.
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