Bewitched: Samantha's Secret Is Discovered (1970)
Season 6, Episode 18
Hallucenogenic episode from the long-running series...
6 January 2010
My biggest complaint with "Bewitched" was always that it didn't utilize Samantha's magic enough. To see her arrive home winded after a long day of shopping and running errands, it's almost painful to then hear her say she has to make dinner for Darrin and his parents (surely a zapped-up roast with all the trimmings wouldn't be too far out of line!). This episode from the series' iffy sixth season (featuring the new Darrin, the constipated Dick Sargent) gets off to a great start with Samantha and Endora arguing over the Stephens' furniture (Endora prefers Louis XV). With the home decor rapidly changing back and forth between styles, Darrin's mother comes in (without knocking) and witnesses the magic, ending in one of her fainting spells. The redressed set for the Stephens' home is exquisite--and provides a great visual kick--however writers Lila Garrett and Bernie Kahn don't know what to do for a topper. Samantha and Darrin decide to tell his woozy mother that Sam's really a witch, however the Witches Council doesn't approve of this (Endora: "Remember the beating we took at Salem!") and temporarily relieves Samantha of her powers. Meanwhile, Mrs. Stephens ends up in a rest home (which looks like the front lawn of Sam and Darrin's house!) and Samantha decides to rescue her via an odd solution: blame all the hocus-pocus on a bottle of hallucinogens! William Asher's direction skitters along, losing Endora in the parade of different ideas, while Mabel Albertson's mother-in-law looks appropriately confused (after her scene with psychiatrist Bernie Kopell, I was confused as well). Sargent, for his part, is looser than usual, but the main plot--Samantha revealing her powers to mortals--isn't fully realized. After all the magic we've seen her do, a smashed/replaced vase is rather anticlimactic.
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