Review of Afterimage

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Afterimage (1998)
Season 7, Episode 3
Ezri arrives at DS9
31 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When Ezri Dax arrives on DS9 as she is surrounded by memories of her previous host Jadzia, it is also hard for Jadzia's friends who find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that their friend has died but all her memories survive in Ezri. Hardest hit is Worf who can't accept Ezri and makes her so awkward that she tells Captain Sisko that she plans to resign from Star Fleet and return to Trill. Before she can leave Sisko asks her to see Garak as he is suffering from claustrophobia which is preventing his vital code breaking work. Initially he isn't keen to open up to the young trainee councillor but eventually she gets to the bottom of his problem. She also confronts Worf and although things still aren't perfect between them Worf accepts her for who she is and not as his wife's replacement.

I really enjoyed this episode even though there was little action and no real sense of threat, probably because it was centred on two of my favourite characters; Ezri Dax and Garak, who are played well by Nicole de Boer and Andrew Robinson.
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