Review of Avatar

Avatar (2009)
Quite Good, but not Great
22 December 2009
The Major argument for many who boast about how good Avatar is, is the special effects used. I do conform to the wide view that impressive they are, however what I simply cannot do is go on by saying 'they're revolutionary'. They work, so that's a plus, but one cannot help but think in 10 years time we may look back and talk about how ridiculous the effects look, quite simply this facet of the movie represents progress in CGI, but certainly not the beginning of some revolution. Now to the story and setting of the film, its simple enough, effectively a Pocahontas story which I don't imply in a bad way at all, the simple narrative gives you a rather comforting feel for the characters with their views and ambitions clear and not warped and distorted and hidden like many of this type of film go down the path of. For the first 110 minutes I was impressed with what I was seeing, all apart from the ludicrous acting of the films major 'bad guys' and how truly unbelievable those characters were. But Unfortuanately the film spirals into the old cliché major battle-group initiation-love survives ending, but not before making almost every viewer feel bad for being part of the human race, and getting the urge to rise up and stop capitalism. One has to wonder does James Cameron have any faith in human kind at all?
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