Horrible audio problems
25 November 2009
Blood Moon Rising's a fun enough flick, if not packed with a few too many elements. Zombies are only part of the horror-creatures here: we also have werewolves, vampires, Satan, Satan's minions.. even skeleton-alien-zombies. It gets a bit confusing.

As does the plot. From what I can gather, Satan's great-great-great-great granddaughter has to save Earth from Satan's daughter, Lucy. Lucy wants to destroy Earth (for some reason), and.. might need a book bound in human skin to do so? I'm not sure, but only a virgin - comic-book nerd Darrell - can save the day. Oddly enough, only a virgin can help Lucy obtain the book as well. Along the way, there's zombies and biker gangs and vampires and werewolves (though it's difficult to distinguish the last two), all in a glorious cluster**** of a movie.

It doesn't help that the audio is extremely out of whack. I was continually turning the volume waaay up to hear some of the dialogue, then, seconds later, waaay back down when the loud music track kicked back in. Very annoying. Also, it's shot in a grindhouse-style, with artificial dirt and lines on the film. That's all right, I guess, since the movie takes place (mostly) in 1969, but they could've gone farther to really get a grindhouse feel. There's a few - blessedly few - shots of pisspoor CGI, which of course, runs counter to making it feel like a grindhouse flick.

The movie is definitely a character-driven piece and there's nothing if not.. rememberable characters. The geek inside me could relate to the on screen-geek saying, in reference to a zombie apocalypse, "I've been waiting my whole life for this," as he all-too-seriously mows down zombies. Oh, and speaking of characters, Ron Jeremy has a very small role, maybe 30 seconds of screen time. Not that his name gave the movie added cred or something though.

Even with all its faults, it's simply a good time. It's almost a spoof of zombie-Satan-vampire-werewolf movies.
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