Review of Header

Header (2006)
C'mon filmmakers, do the man's work some justice
19 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
ATF agent Suffian is dealing with his sick wife and a moonshine investigation. What he doesn't count on is stumbling across a twisted backwoods grandson and granddad who like to kill girls by 'header' (literally screwing one's brains out). Horror author Edward Lee writes some of the grisliest fiction out there (as that plot synopsis can attest) and this is the first film adaptation of his work. Sadly, the filmmakers do his work an incredible disservice with this cheap-o production. Sure the IMDb is rolling with "This is real hardcore horror, dude!" accolades, but the messed up ideas couldn't overcome the ineptitude on display. All of the acting is so laughably bad. In fact, I would almost recommend the film for people to see the performance put on by Elliot Kotek as the main baddie Travis. Kotek engages in an almost Gomer Pyle-esquire depiction of what he believes a Southerner sounds like ("I's gonna get mes job real soon Granpappy" in thick drawl) and gives one of the worst performances I've seen in ages. Jake Suffian as the lead ATF agent is equally bad. On a personal level, seeing this sleaze shot on crisp digital video just doesn't do it for me. The opening flashback actually had some style (fake emulsion scratches, jump cuts) but that is quickly abandoned. Lee and fellow horror author Jack Ketchum have cameos as cops.
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