Inglorious Disappointment
21 August 2009
Of all the films slated for release this year, this is the one I was waiting for. Tarantino is unique in that he can borrow from so many genres and directorial styles, has an incredible ear for scoring his films, and of course can write dialog like almost no other. Much of this is true with Inglourious Basterds, and yet it just doesn't fit together like it has in past efforts. The magic is not there. The film has, what I feel, are three incredible scenes including the brilliant and nerve wracking opening sequence. One scene, in a restaurant, is as if Tarantino channels a very restrained Bunuel. The other, though a bit long, in a basement bar works for the most part and introduces an important character and some crucial plot development. It builds slowly to something important so its length is forgivable. None of these scenes, I hesitate to add, involve Brad Pitt. Mr. Pitt is a fine actor, but he is just a bit too much this side of parody here. Many of the other scenes are little more than filler. I can appreciate Tarantino's humour very much. I laughed hysterically through much of Kill Bill Vol. 1. It was riveting, compelling, and fun. Inglorious Basterds tries to be these things but somehow misses the mark. 6/10.
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