25th Hour (2002)
Even Pablo Escobar would think twice.
6 July 2009
There're movies which make it look like drug dealers are the coolest guys alive. But this is one which doesn't have a message but rather one which shows the life of simply one drug dealer who wasn't rough and nasty enough to kill his humanity in order to flourish in the business. As a cold blooded person I'm gonna have to admit that this movie did make me weak. The only movie that DID get me to shed a tear or two. The "make me ugly" scene was powerful. Powerful. I've seen the movie twenty times over and I'm gonna have to say, its without a doubt the best movie I've seen. Believe me I've seen a lot. I don't think it can or will ever be replaced. Spike lee and Norton at their best. Each time I notice something new that I fail to notice the previous time because of my state of being in awe of the film. Norton's performance is subtle and I just can't believe the academy missed out on this film . The score, the direction, the cinematography, Norton, Seymour Hoffman and Rosario Dawson. Although Barry pepper appears to have stolen the show, it isn't so. His performance is on par with Norton. When I watched it the first time I didn't even feel like "Man, this is a good movie" because it never seemed like a movie at that time. Seemed like I had been standing right there and watching it all happen. When the film ended I felt like "Life was too beautiful to F*** up." A real shame that it isn't on the IMDb top 250 and hadn't got recognition it deserved. I just console myself by saying it was too intelligent a film for the judges or critics to see beyond what they could see.
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